Tips for smooth pouty lips

Stress, dehydration and just a bad habit can all lead to bad lips. Chapped lips are red, dry, painful (both physically and emotionally) and can sometimes bleed from excessive dryness so treatment and prevention are of extreme importance. What causes chapped lips? There are 4 main causes.
1. Lip balm. Although the fact that you’re applying lip balm sounds like you’re treating the condition, but your lip balm can actually cause the problem. Waxy lip balms appear to be more moisturizing but the fact is petroleum ones last longer, moisturize better and protect your lips from cracks.�
2. Face wash. We all use harsh cleansers to get rid of the blackheads, acne and to feel refreshed. While we wash or scrub our faces weekly, some of these products affect our lips (although they’re advised to be kept away from eyes and mouth). Next time you wash, stay away from your lips.

3. Lip gloss. Fragranced or flavored lip gloss contains an ingredient commonly known as Cinnamites. This ingredient is an irritant so I advise you to read the label on the back of the gloss tube before buying one.
4. Stress. Lip biting and licking can be a result of stress or a bad habit. These two behaviors lead to dry, cracked lips so put on some nice lip gloss and stop biting your lips.
How do I prevent this all together? Well the word “dry” has been mentioned more than once so it’s really important to drink water and apply a wet cloth on your lips whenever they feel dry (remember licking your lips doesn’t moisturize them). Water can improve your skin immensely, that’s why it is advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
Hydrate your lips using a petroleum based balm (preferably one with SPF 15 at least); Chap Stick works wonders on chapped lips. Exfoliate your lips using a dry toothbrush to remove all the dead skin, and then apply the balm.
start taking care of your lips with these easy, inexpensive tips because they count too.


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